Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Four Alternatives for the Classroom

Color, along with furniture and decoration details offer four alternatives to usual combinations for this simple style lounge. Let's see how the tones influence the perception of the space, changing climate and the appreciation of the furniture, then choose the one you like.

Four alternatives for the classroom 1

Wall in red, warm color par excellence, contrasts with the white base and the tones Ecru or ivory of some of the plug-ins. The Red sofa passes to complement the set being the most precious environment object. Some natural fibers along with carpet furniture provide a beautiful rustic touch.

Four alternatives for the classroom 2

The same corner, which may belong to an environment intended only for room or dining room, has painted an Apple green color. Dark wood furniture with upholstered in raw and a subtle touch of red, the complementary of main color, making the environment more active were chosen.

Four alternatives for the classroom 3

This is the design most cool of all in a perfect combination of white and blue, to a room in which you want to impart freshness to mitigate the environmental heat. In the same way that the first option, the socket in white wall divides into two colors, also protecting it from stains and blows. In the blue corner sofa can look thanks to its white background. Decorative objects have been selected in a combination of raw, light blue and Brown.

Four alternatives for the classroom 4

In this last example, the corner to taken an air more elegant and serene, dispensing with the vibrant colors, a palette of neutral colours seen from the sand, passing by beige and crude oil to reach the target. The color of the wood, the texture of the fibres and fabrics prints make the space more attractive.


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